
When you start using the WebMoney Keeper client, keep in mind that with WM Keeper you will transfer WM-units by a single mouse click.

You shall be solely responsible for transactions that you will conduct via WebMoney Transfer.

A storeowner publishing his WM credentials on his website or in printed mass media shall be liable for fulfillment of obligations to customers.

Being a software and hardware tool, the system doesn’t control the fulfillment of obligations of any party. Neither shall it prevent any transactions or operations regardless of their purpose. WebMoney Transfer is not liable for members’ failure to meet their financial or other obligations.

Disputes arising between Members are not the responsibility of WebMoney Transfer.

Registering for WebMoney Transfer, you shall use WebMoney Keeper for legal purposes only. Under no circumstances may a User alter, modify, or change WebMoney Keeper algorithms. You will not use the service in connection with tampering, cracking, modifying or otherwise corrupting the security or functionality of the WebMoney Transfer system. WebMoney Transfer reserves the right to log all your operations in the system. The service, it its sole discretion, may notify other WebMoney users, and appropriate legal and/or regulatory authorities of any misconduct in order to protect the system, its users, third parties, and comply with the laws.

WebMoney Transfer keeps the anti-spam policy and strictly forbids using WM Keeper client to send unsolicited mass emails of any kind. Joining the system you agree not to use it in order to send any unsolicited or unwanted advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," chain letters or any other unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable emails. You are solely responsible for the content of materials sent by you. In the event of your violating present obligations, WebMoney Transfer reserves the right to take measures necessary to prevent spam including but not limited to terminating access to WM-ID.