Verification of Contacts

You can add members with whom you plan to exchange messages and carry out transactions constantly to you contacts list in WebMoney Keeper.

Always verify people you add to this list. WebMoney offers numerous means to verify and assess a member prior to adding it to your contact list:

  1. Passport: shows WMID owner identification level in WebMoney

  2. BL (Business-level) is a characteristic of the business activity level of WM-identifier owner in WebMoney

  3. Arbitration Log of Complaints and Claims

  4. Profile in Business Network will provide important information on the contact

  5. TL – trust level

After adding a new contact to your list, you can set the Trust limit for such a contact, i.e. enable your contact use funds from the selected purse in the assigned amounts and under assigned conditions. Your contact can also set the Trust limit for you. Having a lot of contacts that trust you, you can use the funds which sometimes are considerably greater than your own.

The total amount of funds of contacts that a member of the system can use at the moment is the trust level. It is denoted as TL. More information about the trust limits see at the website of the Debt Service.