Future system Guarantor

Titular characters of a certain type - WMR, WMZ, WME, etc. are in use in the WebMoney system. Each type is calculation tool for legally significant transactions in the national market of the Guarantor registration. If you have the ability and desire to put into circulation titular characters of a new type – you would become a Guarantor.  In this case, you are required to comply with the following basic principles of the Guarantor:

  • providing the economic assessment of introduction expediency of this type of titular characters for system participants;
  • obligation to fulfill в  exchange operations in the system with titular characters of guaranted type for the stated equivalent;
  • recognition of responsibilities for the guarantee fund Security;
  • representation of organizational and legal basis for titular characters of guaranteed type turnover; recognition by a guarantor of reliability of transmitted information in the system; recognition of the right of the operator to the guarantee fund audit; coordination publication technology of statistics;
  • drafting of the warranty text published for the participants of the system;
  • publishing of technology, agreements and details of the titular characters exchange of guaranteed type for system participants.

Questions regarding cooperation should be addressed to all@webmoney.com.